On The Second Day of Christmas...

A more appropriate title for this post would be "What We Ate on Christmas Day" :0) Christmas morning we had a scrumptious breakfast at Memaw's house, including eggs (with feta cheese), grits, fruit, and pigs-n-a-blanket courtesy of Jonathan (Zeiger). In spite of the mouthwatering spread we had a difficult time making Jackson sit still long enough to eat. He was so excited about the gifts he had opened the night before which were sitting in the living room waiting for him. I guess you know what kept him entertained that morning. We visited Uncle Evan and Aunt Peggy's house that afternoon and stuffed ourselves again with an incredible Christmas dinner. There was squash casserole, broccoli casserole and green bean casserole. Rolls and sweet bread, desserts galore, and I'm pretty sure there aren't words to justly describe the meat Uncle Evan cooked, so I won't even try. We felt so blessed to be able to visit with our family. It was great to see everyone. What a wonderful Christmas Day!
