The Best Problem to Have

I guess everyone has to deal with a picky eater among at least one of their kids, but my picky eater presents a unique challenge. ~Refuses to eat vegetables at dinner... check! ~Picks the chicken and rice out and leaves a neat pile of carrots and peas behind... check! ~Turns nose up to anything green, regardless if its fried, steamed, boiled, or stir-fried... check! So I was pondering this problem one night while I chopped carrots for dinner. I'd been at it a few minutes before Jackson climbed up on the stool, grabbed a carrot off the cutting board, and stuffed it in his mouth before I could stop him. After he'd finished that one he asked me for another one. Eureka! I've discovered the secret to getting him to eat his veggies - serve them up raw! I haven't found much he isn't willing to eat... carrots, tomatoes, squash, even broccoli. Now my biggest problem is whether or not to continue the practice of making him eat the vegetables I cook for dinner. On one hand, it's important for him to have good manners and practice finishing his food. On the other hand, it's hard to force steamed cauliflower on him when he ate his fair share of the raw product before dinner started. Picture above is of Jackson eating celery yesterday while I was chopping at the island. He consumed three stalks of celery and half a bell pepper!


Anonymous said…
He's got it right. I always thought they tasted better uncooked! Probably better for you too. ......the way God made them. 123
Jackie said…
Yes, I should learn to eat them that way too :)
Jackie said…
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