Happy Mother’s Day

Can I just take a minute to brag on my sweet husband?


I couldn’t believe my nose this morning when I woke up to the smell of coffee brewing and eggs in the frying pan. He had drill this weekend but softened the blow by getting up at 5:30 to fix me a scrumptious smorgasbord before he left. Obviously, I was too busy stuffing my face to take a pic of the spread.

It was just the boost I needed to finally get my rear in gear and tackle my morning coffee friend arch nemesis…


Yes, Godzilla Weed has been growing steadily outside my kitchen window since the beginning of spring. When he started tapping on the glass one morning and wanted me to pass a cup of coffee (with two cubes of miracle grow, please), I knew it was time for him to go.

Godzilla Weed’s former haunt:

Godzilla weed 2 Death to weed! Here’s how it looks now:

006 Yes, those are flowers in the flowerbed. No, I have no idea what kind. Jackson, Jonathan and I dropped by Lowes on our way home from church today and while I stood, overwhelmed and clueless, amidst the endless beds of unfamiliar blossoms Jackson reached over and plucked a pot off the shelf and said, “Mommy, get these marigolds.”

“Those aren’t marigolds,” I skeptically told him, taking a quick peek at the tag. “Umm… oh, wait, they are marigolds. How did you know that??”

Obviously, I was so startled that I bought those marigolds and every other flower Jackson picked out.

23 holes to dig and may I say that it is a lot harder than it looks?! At this point in my post I’d like to tip my hat to all the fabulous gardeners in my family who make it look like a cake walk… and also to anyone who knows what it’s like to dig up a brick with a spade. <- Pretty sure mine will not live to see another summer.


On a slightly more serious note, today in church our pastor asked all the women in the congregation who have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive to come and kneel at the alter so he could bless and pray over them. This is something he has done on Mother’s Day for the past 28 years, resulting in countless testimonies of miraculous conceptions.

I was floored by how many couples went forward to be prayed for and I was reminded of how blessed Caleb and I are to have two very healthy and beautiful blue-eyed boys. I truly love being a mom.


And last but not least…

I guess Caleb finally caught on to all the complaining hinting I’ve done lately about my milky white appendages…

Check out the tanning booth my husband presented me for Mother’s Day.

007 I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet (apparently it requires a very sunny day) but I’m told this is how it’s supposed to work:

tanning booth instructions

No more shall I be forced to resort to this:


It is the 21st century, after all. 

In the meantime…

012 copy Grilled chicken anyone?

Happy Mother’s Day :)


Anonymous said…
LOL, you are too cute! I too am blessed to have you and yours! 123