
Last night Caleb pulled his footlocker out of our closet, packed and hauled it off to the armory. I just watched. In a bit of a funk.


As you know, I have a love/hate relationship with this footlocker. I’ve gotten so used to that hunk of plastic sitting in our closet that I just stared in wonder at the empty space it left on the floor. I can’t believe how much room there is now.


Please kick me if I ever complain about Army equipment taking up space in my house again. That gear means my husband is home.

Now the gear is gone. Only his uniforms are still hanging in the closet. In two weeks those will be gone.


And today I’m struggling. Ya’ll know why..


NANNY said…
Struggling with, Nancy & Timothy
Anonymous said…
I am so struggling with this, too!! We are here for you and the boys, Jackie.

Much love,
Marian Frizzell said…
just letting you know i love you, and i'm praying for you, and i know this is hard.