the pre-deployment diet

If you’ve spent much time around our family you know we don’t feed Jack and Jon a lot of sweets. It’s all my fault. You see, I’m a bit of a sugar nazi. And if you think that’s wild, well you’ve never seen my kids eat an M&M. The delight on their faces is a joy to behold. Watching them swing from the ceiling fan afterward… not so much.

But lately their tolerance for processed sugar has exploded, thanks to the special diet Caleb and I have been on. I call it the Pre-Deployment Diet, but it would be better described as the Next Month I’ll Be Eating MREs Diet. Or otherwise known as the How Much Sugar Can I Get Down My Husband Before He Leaves Diet.

Whatever you call it, this is what it looks like:



Do you prefer your congealed artery blocker in a square or rectangle?


Hot vanilla milk.

This recipe only works if you add a cup of whipped cream on top.



I think the picture speaks for itself.



Now I know this isn’t filled with sugar, but it had an entire package of real bacon cooked into it. AN ENTIRE PACKAGE. And this was the first time pork has seen the inside of my house in like six months. Definitely a Kodak moment. 


Root beer floats.

It took an hour to make the syrup I poured over these. And approximately two minutes for the boys to devour them.

There were so many others I wish I could show you. But the boys think I’m nuts when I say “Wait! We can’t eat those until I get a picture!” Pictures are memories, you know. And this definitely something we will only be remembering because the Pre-Deployment Diet is decidedly over.


Marian Frizzell said…
yeah, Josh and I went on that diet before he left. It involved lots of chinese takeout, delivery pizza, and donuts...