Christmas Past

I'm posting today from my parent's kitchen table, enjoying a springerle with my second cup of coffee, watching the snow contine to fall and add to the bit already on the ground. Yes, that's right. Here on the mountain in Alabama we had a white Christmas. My first white Christmas EVER. A truly special event. I hope your Christmas was also wonderful.

My Dad shared this video with me today. It was taken on Christmas Day 2007 at Uncle Evan and Aunt Peggy's house. Jackson was just a tiny thing.
Uncle Evan and Aunt Peggy were involved in a plane crash this past March, which took them home to be with Jesus. We have remembered them much this Christmas. How precious our memories are! The joy in this video touched a special place in my heart today and made me smile.


Elisa said…
I wish I had gotten to see the video, it appears to be missing (or a problem on my end.) What a wonderful gift -- a white Christmas in Alabama. I have never had one in my entire life (down there). Definitely a rare and beautiful event.