a star wars halloween


Gone are the days I have influence over their costume choices. The current obsession is all things Star Wars and they wouldn’t be dissuaded. I have no idea who Jackson thinks I am, but he expected me to whip up a realistic replica costume. No pressure though, Mom. He way overestimates my talents. And my actual sewing skills are pretty deficient so I procrastinated until the day of, effectively turning the costumes into a team effort. I was hemming and Caleb was adding snaps right up until the minute we walked out the door to go trick-or-treating downtown. Apparently, we don’t do halloween without a side order of drama.

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I think I’m pretty Star Wars savvy, but in our house I know less about it than anyone else so I had to consult the expert. Fortunately, Caleb has enough knowledge on the subject to author an encyclopedia. It’s pretty obvious Jon is a Jedi, but I was surprised how many people recognized Jack as Han Solo. Brownie points for my costume adviser.

They are already discussing which Star Wars characters they’re going as next year.


Karolena said…
awesome costumes! Jack makes a great Han Solo!
Jon said…
That is very awesome. Though Jon looks a little sinister in the black, his green lightsaber is enough to assure me he he's not dabbling in the dark side. That was my original impression though...
Marian Frizzell said…
frankly, I'm pretty impressed.
Sarah T. said…