legos and r2-d2


We celebrated the boys’ birthdays over the weekend. I made a cake, we sang, we stuffed ourselves with ice cream and R2-D2 leg. We fell into bed, exhausted, at the end of the day and woke up to little boys begging Daddy to help them put together their new lego sets. I sat on the couch inhaling a cup of coffee while they snapped together bricks, discussed the instructions, and laughed about some secret awesomeness. I want to be sad about the boys growing up too fast, but then I remember all the times I’ve seen that wistful look on Caleb’s face when we passed the lego aisle in some store and he said “I can’t wait until they’re old enough.”

Now that they are, it’s really pretty cool.

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Anonymous said…
AWESOME cake, Jackie! You're such a cool Mom!
Many happy returns on "birthday week" for both my wonderful grandsons :)
Karolena said…
That cake is amazing! I wish I could have a cake as cool as that for my birthday.