last weekend


Give you one guess where we spent the last weekend of summer vacation.

Is there anywhere else to spend a summer day?

As the last week slipped by I began to lament about all the trips and destinations we’d tentatively planned for this summer. Most of them didn’t pan out. Maybe we didn’t talk about them seriously enough. Maybe other things slipped in and stole time. Maybe we just preferred to do what we already love.

We did start our weekend by visiting Legoland in Atlanta on Friday. It was fun. Maybe a little harder to enjoy when you know the next destination is a peaceful breeze, warm dock, and soft waters.


miniature lego Atlanta

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It IS possible to get sick of legos. Jon and I camped at Johnny Rocket’s while we waited for Jack to get his fill.

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All my brothers arrived on Saturday. Jack and Jon were overjoyed.

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Happy Monday.
