and just like that..


The rain let up yesterday afternoon. And it was dramatic. We went into the theater to see Despicable Me 2 thinking we might regret leaving the umbrella behind. Two hour later I push open the exit door and HELLO! We’re all momentarily blinded by direct sunlight.


And just like that we’re back to swimsuits and mismatched shirts before breakfast and sunbaked concrete before lunch. Not a cloud in the sky. Also, not going to lie. The playground is a little swampy (putting it mildly) but I was happy about the sunshine and totally willing to overlook the mud splatters we gathered along with it.  

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I discovered Jackson can monkeybar like a pro!


At 9:00 sharp the splash pad comes to life and the playground is completely abandoned in favor of WATER. This splash pad is a new addition to our park (look close and you can see the construction equipment in the background) so this was our first visit. Big hit. Obviously.

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