

School is out. We are hibernating out of necessity. Sickness was kind enough to wait until the break to slam the boys. As is usually the case when they start to come down with something we completely cut sugar out of their diet to give immune systems a fighting chance. Jon surveyed the tins of treats and candies around the kitchen and declared it the worst day ever. So in case you’re wondering what we’re doing on the day before the day before Christmas, the answer is watching hours of Netflix, trying to ignore the Christmas cookie ice cream in the freezer and guess who’s reading Harry Potter for the first time and finally getting caught up with the rest of the world. I’m getting pretty good at making the best of these crumby situations.

A few things from before the plague hit:


Between the Christmas programs and the parties, I spent half the day at the boys’ school on Wednesday. And then, because most of the kindergarteners were being checked out early, Jonathan and I stopped by the office just long enough to collect Jackson and we went home. For whatever reason this felt pretty extravagant.


I try to get this shot of Jackson every year: the moment he finds me in the sea of clicking cameras and waving parents.


We do Fantasy in Lights every year around this time. The weather is always a little unpredictable. And by that I mean that one year we wore shorts and the next year there weren’t enough parkas to go around. This time we bundled our little asthmatic in so many layers he could barely walk and had to be helped up and down steps.


Jackson tested for his next martial arts belt on Thursday. Give you one guess who was a nervous wreck and ate half a loaf worth of peanut butter sandwiches that day. I had way more anxiety about it than he did. My empathy for sports moms is improving by the minute.

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Enjoying every minute of free time this school vacation.


I hope you all have the most amazing Christmas.
